The yellow triangle LED is to inform you of a problem discovered by your alarm system.
• If your trouble LED is flashing, most likely the system has lost its main power from your home and chances are that you will need to reset the date and time. (See Time/ Date reset)
• If the trouble light comes on steadily check your user manual to determine the problem.
• If after consulting the users manual you are still unable to determine the trouble, please call our offices (405) 691-0000 for further assistance or to schedule a service appointment.
• If your trouble LED is flashing, most likely the system has lost its main power from your home and chances are that you will need to reset the date and time. (See Time/ Date reset)
• If the trouble light comes on steadily check your user manual to determine the problem.
• If after consulting the users manual you are still unable to determine the trouble, please call our offices (405) 691-0000 for further assistance or to schedule a service appointment.
OK Alarm Lic #343